Hook, Line, and Garter (Bitches and Queens) Read online

Page 8

  “That’s my mom,” Sam said.

  “She was beautiful,” Kate murmured while gazing at the timeless beauty in the picture. It could have been taken twenty years ago or yesterday as nothing about her style dated her. She could see Sam in his mother. They had the same inky-black hair and smoky-green eyes. Yet, their features weren’t entirely identical, so Kate assumed his father must have been a looker too.

  Kate placed her purse beside Sam’s keys on the side table near the front door and looked around. Even though it looked as if it had been professionally decorated, Kate knew that wasn’t the case because everything, from the overstuffed furniture to the smallest knickknack, was so uniquely Sam.

  After they finished eating, things got weird, or more specifically, Sam got weird. For starters, they had just settled on the couch trying to find something on the television when Sam jumped up, grabbed his laptop, and took it over to the kitchen counter. Kate waited for a few minutes but when he didn’t come back, she turned around and asked, “You looking at something interesting over there?”

  “I’m trying to find blinds,” Sam answered absentmindedly.

  “Window blinds?”

  “For the wall,” he muttered, pointing towards the glass.

  “Oh,” Kate answered, thinking the way he rushed over seemed a little bit more urgent than window coverings but, apparently, she was wrong because Sam kept at it for thirty more minutes.

  Considering this something of a monumental moment in their relationship, Kate was quickly growing irritated. It was their first night, well technically second night together, and Sam wanted to spend it shopping online.

  “Sam, there’s a new show coming on that I wanted to watch. Did you want to want to watch it with me?”

  Sam turned around and stared blankly at the television set for a second. “It looks idiotic, but you go ahead and watch,” he muttered before turned back to the computer.

  “Sam,” Kate yelled.

  “What?” he asked blankly.

  “Do you want me to go home so you can shop in private?”

  “Leave, what are you talking about?”

  “You’ve been ignoring me for thirty minutes,” Kate protested.

  “You’re a big girl. Can’t you entertain yourself for a few minutes?” Sam retorted.

  “Fine, I will,” Kate spat. She stood up and started to get her purse.

  “Wait, wait, I didn’t mean that how it sounded,” Sam pleaded and walked over to her. He looked down at his watch. “It’s two hours until sunset,” he said as if that explained everything.

  “So what happens then?”

  “It gets dark,” Sam said.

  “And…” Kate asked and then it dawned on her, “…seriously, Sam? We just did it a few hours ago.”

  “I have a lot of pent-up energy. It’s been six months.”

  “You mean—you haven’t been with anyone else this entire time?”

  “No, but it’s not like I haven’t been abusing myself often enough. I had to call a plumber because I clogged one of the bathtubs. Imagine how that conversation went down.”

  “Oh,” Kate exclaimed with a slight grimace, thinking that was just a little bit more information than she needed to know.

  “Sorry, I shouldn’t have said that,” Sam muttered as his phone began to vibrate. He looked down at the number and then explained, “I need to take this. It’s about work.”

  “Okay,” Kate said and decided to take the moment to ring Jenner, who no doubt was dying to know what was happening.

  When Jenner answered, Kate said, “Hey, it’s me.”

  “How’s it going?”

  “Good,” Kate said quietly.

  “Good good or good because Sam is standing right there good?”

  “Maybe both,” Kate responded and looked up at Sam watching her as he murmured into his phone. “The reason I called is because I was wondering if you would feed Mr. Jangles tonight. I’m not sure when I’ll be home.”

  “Well, that sounds positive.”

  “Yeah about that…” Kate said. She walked down the hall out of earshot and then whispered into her phone, “Sam is acting weird.”

  “Weird how?”

  “I don’t know. He seems really distracted, and some of the stuff he’s saying is very unSam like. Am I just reading too much into it, or is this normal?”

  “I don’t know. What did he say?”

  “I’d rather not say,” Kate murmured and opened the closed door in front of her. When she turned on the light, her eyes grew wide. “Oh my god, Jenner. I just discovered the mother ship.”

  “Are you in his closet?” Jenner rushed excitedly.

  “Yes,” Kate gasped. The his-and-her closet was the size of their apartment, and of course was dominated with she-wear. Dresses, blouses, trousers, gowns of every color and label, all rested in organized rows. And the shoe boxes, there had to be at least a few hundred of them lining the floor and the walls. There was even an entire section dedicated to handbags and scarves. “It’s better than we ever imagined,” Kate exclaimed as she sank to her knees and started opening the boxes.

  “I want pictures,” Jenner demanded.

  “Of course,” Kate agreed and then began describing the treasures she discovered.

  She crawled to the back until only her feet poked out under the racks when suddenly she heard music playing. “I think I triggered some sort of sound system,” Kate said into the line and crawled back out. When she emerged, she discovered Sam leaning against the open door. “Hmm, Jenner, I need to go.”

  “Remember—take pictures.”

  “I will. Talk to you later.”

  As soon as she hung up, Sam asked with a smile, “Why are you on your hands and knees inside my closet?”

  Kate leaned back on her heels and proclaimed, “I want to play.”

  “I’m game for anything. What did you have in mind?”

  “I want you to doll me up,” Kate answered.

  “Now?” Sam questioned. “You want me to drag you right now?”

  “Uh-huh,” Kate said with a smile.

  “Or, we could do that another time,” Sam suggested. “Say, like in thirty minutes.”

  “Please,” Kate pleaded.

  “All right,” Sam groaned. “Come on then.”

  “Where are we going?”

  “The magic doesn’t start here. First, you need a steam bath for your skin.”

  “Ah, that sounds fun. It will be like a day at the spa,” Kate giggled with delight.

  “Wow, this is racking up the masculinity points for me,” Sam said derisively.

  Thirty minutes later, Kate emerged from the steam bath flush but well hydrated. Wearing only a large bathrobe and a towel on her head, she followed Sam to his dressing room. They passed through his bedroom along the way, and Kate spotted a framed picture of him and her resting beside his bed on the nightstand.

  “Wait a minute—when was that taken?” Kate questioned as she walked over and picked up the unfamiliar shot.

  “Don’t you remember? Jenner took it the first night we met after the show,” Sam answered.

  “That’s right. I had forgotten about that,” Kate murmured quietly as she looked down at the picture of the two of them. That night they had stopped at a diner for an early breakfast. Kate and Sam had sat on one side of the booth opposite Jenner. What shocked Kate about the photograph was how blatant it had been. They had only known each other for less than five hours, yet the way they looked at each other, smiling, anyone would have guessed they were lifelong lovers.

  “Come on, princess,” Sam demanded.

  “Are you in a hurry or what?” Kate questioned slyly.

  “Beauty can never be rushed,” Sam declared dramatically.

  Walking out of the bedroom, they came to another room that was adjacent to his closet. It reminded Kate of an old-fashioned powder room, where women used to sit under the large globe lights lining the mirror on cushioned stools. There was even a gold tissue box
resting on the counter. Looking into the mirror, she could almost see herself wearing bright red lipstick, kissing away the excess.

  Sam started by lathering her face with various toners, serums, and moisturizers, using a different product for each region of her face. Kate started feeling like a slacker for only using her drug-store brand facial moisturizer with SPF, but the guilt quickly receded when he pulled out a pair of eyebrow tweezers and began plucking.

  “Ouch,” she cried.

  “You can’t be a queen with bushy eyebrows.”

  “My eyebrows aren’t bushy,” she vehemently denied.

  “Maybe not bushy,” Sam agreed, “but there are a few strays.”

  “New rule,” Kate proclaimed. “You aren’t allowed to criticize me.”

  “I wasn’t criticizing. Sorry, I’ve never been good at this,” he murmured.

  “At what? Facial-hair removal?” Kate questioned.

  “No,” Sam laughed. “At making small talk.”

  “Whatever,” Kate dismissed sarcastically.

  “It’s true. I’m an introvert.”

  “Sam, I’ve known you for six months. I have yet to witness a single conversation where you didn’t have some witty comment to add. You don’t have a shy bone in your body,” Kate said.

  “I have always been painfully shy,” Sam said as he continued to abuse her tender skin with the tiny little torture device. “Last night, I lied about being relaxed. I was scared,” he admitted and then stepped back to gaze at her brows. “That should do it.”

  “What are you talking about?”

  Sam pulled out one of the drawers of the bureau and started pulling out several shades of foundation. Without looking back at her, he explained, “The thing is that the makeup isn’t all about kicks and giggles just like the coke wasn’t all about getting high. I have never possessed your instinctual ease for chatting up strangers. Whenever I meet someone new, especially someone I want to impress, I get nervous and my words come out jumbled. It’s like I know what I want to say but somewhere between my brain and mouth the words get scrambled and I end up sounding like a douche bag. But when I put on the makeup, I don’t stress so much about it and the words come out right.”

  Kate watched Sam mixing the foundations to concoct her perfect shade silently. She didn’t know if she believed him or not. As far as she knew, he had never lied to her except for last night about being relaxed, but still it was hard to believe. The Sam she knew was gregarious, bold, and the life of any party. Yet, strangely, she found his vulnerable admission adorable.

  “I’m having a hard time picturing you that way,” she admitted.

  “It was a lot worse when I was a child. I didn’t have a real friend until the third grade. I attended this ultra-posh private academy. That year Mrs. Stew, the teacher, brought in a bunch of her old clothes for the girls to play dress-up in during inside recess. And, uh…” Sam started to chuckle quietly, “…well I wanted to play too. Apparently, I hadn’t learned my father’s lesson. All right, let’s face it, I still haven’t learned it. If you ask me, it’s a stupid rule. Who says boys can’t wear dresses? Anyway, I finally gathered the courage to ask if I could play to, and this little bitch, Miranda Glencoe, queen of the little bitches, but her hand on her hips and said, ‘Sam you can’t play because you are a boy, stupid.’”

  “She was a little bitch,” Kate agreed.

  “Yeah, well, I paid her back eventually,” Sam said and then gave a slight grimace. “I hold grudges. It’s not my best quality, but it is what it is.”

  “How did you make your first friend?”

  “I was devastated that I couldn’t play. I can’t exactly remember for certain, but I’m sure I ran off to the corner to cry because I was always crying in the corner about something. All anyone had to do was give me a cross look, and I would break down. But a few weeks before, we had a new girl transfer to our class. All you had to do was take one look at her and know she didn’t belong there. I was an outsider, but she was really an outsider. She was rail thin and had these huge bug eyes. She reminded me of a walking stick, but she came up to me and told me she would play with me.”

  “Ahh, that’s sweet,” Kate murmured. “Did the two of you stay in touch over the years?”

  “All the time,” Sam answered. “It was Hannah.”

  Kate’s sweet feeling instantly evaporated at the mention of the skinny, ugly cow.

  Sam must have read her expression because he started to laugh. “I’ll be the first person to admit that most of the time she is awful, but occasionally she has her generous moments.”

  “If you say so,” Kate mumbled. “What ever happened to Miranda?”

  “You’ll like this story,” Sam said as he began painting her face with smooth, even strokes. “When I first opened the studio, I was building my clientele, getting my name out there so I could do weddings. Normally, I would never try to upstage the bride because it is rude, but when Miranda booked with me, I couldn’t resist. When I showed up at the chapel, I looked better than I ever had before or ever will again. I was so smokin’ hot I was literally on fire that day. At the reception, the groom got drunk and asked me to run away with him, and the best part was that Miranda overheard the entire conversation. When they divorced a year later, I sent her a sympathy card with a ten-percent discount coupon.”

  “Did she ever use it?” Kate laughed.

  “Unfortunately, yes,” Sam groaned. “I did her next two weddings. By the fourth one, I told her she would have to find another photographer.”

  “Enough about me. I want to know more about you. What were you like before?” Sam murmured as he gently brushed a loose layer of translucent power over her forehead and down to the tip of her nose.

  “I was…” Kate began thoughtfully, “…well, I suppose I was like you, or the other you, only slightly less refined. I loved to sing and dance. I was very outgoing, but I had a mouth on me that got me in a lot of trouble when I was young.”

  “Really?” Sam questioned. “I wish we could have met, but I would have only gotten you into more trouble back then. Now, look up,” he commanded as he started on her eyes.

  Once he was finished with her makeup, he started styling her hair. Kate had thought she would be wearing one of his fabulous wigs, but Sam wouldn’t hear of it. “Hair like yours should never be hidden,” he explained.

  After he spent over an hour constructing an elaborate up-do, they went back to his closet. Sam thought she should go for something elegant and demure; Kate wanted total glam. Kate won. Once Sam was finishing pinning the one-shoulder, tight, scarlet wrap dress, he stood up, took Kate’s hand, and led her towards the full-length mirror in his bedroom.

  Seeing the complete transformation, Kate laughed in delight. “I feel like Miss America, Sam,” Kate said and started practicing her wave.

  “You look like a high-end whore.”

  Kate wiggled her hips in the mirror. “You’re speaking from experience, I assume,” she teased.

  “I’ve shared enough skeletons for one night,” Sam answered.

  Kate slowly turned on her heels and cocked her head to the side, going for her best sultry, seductive expression. “Hypothetically speaking, Mr. Montgomery, how much would you be willing to spend for one night with me?”

  “At least a million.”

  “One million?” Kate protested.

  Sam sat down on the edge of the bed, enjoying her little game. “No more than five,” he answered.

  “Only five million?” Kate purred as she walked over and turned off the light. After she closed the door to the dressing room, the room was cloaked in complete darkness. Even though she was more comfortable in the dark, Kate had a little problem of getting back to the bed without tripping on something and falling to the floor. She decided to open the door just a smidge to let enough light in so she could actually find the bed. She quickly crossed the distance, hiked up her dress, and then straddled his lap.

  “Surely, a woman like me deserves more
than a measly five million,” she teased.

  “Ten—and that’s my final offer,” Sam murmured breathlessly against her neck as his fingers danced up her legs. “And for that kind of money, you had best fuck me like a damn rodeo queen. You’re not wearing any panties.”

  “That’s because you said I would have panty lines,” Kate moaned.

  “Or maybe I just like you better without them.”

  Sam’s hands gently squeezed her bottom. He pulled her cheeks apart. His fingers sank low, rubbing against her hot pussy. His other hand reached down to steal some of her moisture and then he caressed her crack. While one hand pushed inside her vagina, the thumb on his other hand slipped inside her ass.

  “That is new,” Kate gasped, not sure how she felt about the strange feeling.

  “Now you understand my preoccupation with dildos,” Sam kissed against her lips. “You see, the pussy is a selfish little bitch. It doesn’t want anything else getting all of the attention. So, to satisfy her, you will fuck her with a dildo while I fuck your glorious ass.”

  “I don’t know,” Kate said warily.

  “Not tonight,” Sam whispered. “I just want you to feel me inside of you, filling you every way possible.”

  “It feels strange,” Kate admitted.

  “Do you want me to stop?”

  “No, not yet.”

  “Good,” Sam agreed and rolled over so that Kate was lying down on her back. Stretching out between her legs, he continued his finger play as his tongue got in on the action as well.

  Kate lasted longer than she usually did, only because her body and mind was adjusting to the unusual sensations. When she did climax, she came so hard she literally came off the bed.

  “Oh my,” she moaned and fell back against the pillows.

  “You liked that, huh?” Sam chuckled.

  “I always thought that it would be painful,” Kate admitted.

  “It can be,” Sam agreed. “Anal sex requires a certain finesse. I wouldn’t recommend it for beginners. You’ve had enough for tonight, and I’ve grown insatiably curious about what else you are hiding under that dress.”