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Hook, Line, and Garter (Bitches and Queens) Page 5

  Sam tilted her cheek to face him. He rested his forehead against hers and breathed against her mouth. “Will you do that for me? Open your legs, Kate. Let me feel you. Let me ease the ache.”

  Kate whimpered against his lips and then slowly uncrossed her legs. As she opened for him, she felt a sudden rush of air between her legs. It felt so remarkably freeing and naughty at the same time. It was nearly her undoing, but soon she discovered there was more, so much more to come.

  Sam’s fingers danced with the elastic of her lace panties. “You’re so hot and wet,” he groaned against her cheek. “I want to be inside you. I want to fuck you with my fingers…my mouth…my cock.”

  Kate squeaked aloud when his thumb brushed against the nub of her clit, so gentle at first, like a ticklish delight, but then she wanted more, needed more. Her hips pushed up in demand. Sam answered the call of her body, rubbing against her silken, drenched flesh with a steady, firm rhythm until Kate was left riding his hand like a cowgirl princess.

  And then, all at once, Kate exploded into a million pieces. The climax was so intense it was almost painful. The aftershocks left her limp and she fell boneless back into his arms.

  Chapter 5

  It was wonderful. It was fantastic. It was better than she ever could have dreamed. It left her wanting more. Only moments ago, where she felt alive and bursting with sensation, now she felt hollow and empty. Kate curled her legs together on the booth and snuggled against his chest. She discovered the most delicious aroma seeping from his skin. When she looked up, she saw Sam silently watching her with a fiery, hot intensity.

  It was hard to say who moved first. No longer able to fight their magnetic chemistry, Kate was sitting astride Sam’s lap. Their lips crashed together as their wet tongues danced and devoured each other.

  Sam’s hands squeezed Kate’s ass, pulling her closer. He ripped his mouth away. Pushing down the hem of her dress, as soon as her breast was free, he took her tight nipple in her mouth and sucked hard.

  “Hurry, Sam,” Kate pleaded. “I can’t wait any longer.”

  It took him only a moment of fumbling with his shirt before his huge erection sprang free. Kate eyed the length and girth of him warily. She was still a novice, and had never been in this position. “What am I supposed to do?” she questioned.

  He reached down, pushed her panties to the side, and then guided her hips until she hovered above his steely head. “Fuck me, Kate,” he groaned. “Just fuck me.”

  Kate slowly settled down upon him. His heavy weight felt pleasant and painful as he stretched her tight core. He pulled her close and showered her face with a thousand wet kisses. “You’re so fucking tight, feel so good, I’ll never be able to last. Like this…” he whispered and guided her hips.

  His hand moved down and began fanning her clitoris. Soon Kate found her own rhythm. Each sweep of his hand and cock flooded her with new erotic sensations. Sam took her nipple into his hot mouth, alternating between light licks and hard sucks. Bombarded on all fronts, she couldn’t hold back the siege. When she came again, she felt her muscles squeeze tight against Sam’s cock.

  Sam pulled her against his mouth. Reaching down and holding tight against her waist, he thrust hard once…twice…groaned against her mouth. He closed his eyes and fell back against the booth, pulling her tight against his chest.

  Breathless but complete, Kate laid her head against his chest. The strong, rapid beat was the sweetest sound she had ever heard, and she would be perfectly content to stay in that very position for the rest of her life.

  After several moments, Kate smiled. “Apparently, that was what all the fuss was about. Who knew?”

  Sam chuckled softly. “In retrospect, that was a pretty slutty thing to do.”

  Kate looked up in surprise, but relaxed when she saw his grin.

  “I don’t recommend you do this again. Unless, of course, it’s with me then it is perfectly acceptable,” he explained. “Now, how to get out of here is the tricky part. Both of our dresses are ruined, and we only have three cocktail napkins to clean up.”

  Later, as Sam was driving her home, Kate was filled with an uncomfortable shyness. The chit-chat that flowed so naturally between them was nowhere to be found. She wondered if Sam was having second thoughts. She wondered if she should be having them. Surely, this would change their relationship? How could it not?

  “You’re quiet,” Kate said warily, trying to gauge his feelings.

  “I’m relaxed,” Sam corrected as he pulled into a space outside her apartment building. “I’m always quiet when I’m relaxed.”

  “Did you want to come up?” Kate fumbled, hating how awkward she suddenly felt.

  “Did you think I would have sex with you in public and not come up afterwards? That would be rude,” Sam teased and then suddenly turned serious. “I want to stay the night.”

  “Hmm, okay,” Kate agreed, thinking to herself, how am I going to explain Sam’s presence to Jenner come the morning? A grown-up slumber party? Somehow she didn’t think Jenner would believe that they spent the night doing each other’s hair and painting their toes.

  Sam reached out and stroked her cheek with his knuckles. “We don’t have to make love again if you don’t want to, but I need to know you’re okay with what happened.”

  “I am.”

  “And…” Sam started then fell quiet, causing Kate to be concerned. In all the months she had known him, she had never seen him lack confidence. “…it’s just that sometimes I think you forget that I’m really a man.”

  “I’m not likely to forget after tonight,” Kate countered.

  “No, I suppose not. But this is important to me, Kate. None of this,” he said as he waved his hand in front of him, “is real. It’s just an act I play whenever the mood strikes. I meant what I said the other day. I don’t want there to be secrets between us. I just want to be myself around you for once.”

  What could she say to that? Sam, you’re my best friend and I love you more than any other person on this earth, but I don’t want to see you out of the makeup and heels. She would feel like a complete tool, but the thought of seeing him like a man terrified her even after what had just happened. Still, she couldn’t say no. How could she?

  “All right,” Kate agreed weakly. “Did you need to stop by your condo for a change of clothes?”

  Sam gave her an odd smile, almost uncertain yet again. Twice in less than five minutes, that couldn’t be a good sign. Could he be one of those guys just in it for the chase? Once he had her, the interest was gone. Surely, not, but the way he was behaving, not like himself at all, she couldn’t help but feel suddenly insecure. “No, I have a gym bag in the trunk. I’ll just grab my sweatpants,” he answered.

  Oh god, it was worse than she thought. Sam in sweatpants—what’s next, tennis shoes? “Sounds great,” Kate squeaked over zealously.

  Sam gave her one last wary glance and then got out of the car. Kate stood by silently as he walked around to the trunk and pulled out his bag. Having seen Sam carry every fashionable handbag imaginable, the sight of the athletic duffle was a shock to her system. It made it all feel so real, and she realized that Sam had been right. For the past six months, she had been pretending he really was a woman. Or at least, she had been until a few weeks ago.

  They walked silently up the stairs. Outside the door, she nervously fumbled with the keys until he took them from her hand and unlocked the door wordlessly. Once inside, Kate raced to the kitchen and poured a glass of water.

  “Can I get you something to drink?” she called out loudly, unaware that he had followed her.

  “No thanks,” he chuckled softly while leaning against the threshold.

  “Sorry, I didn’t realize you were there,” Kate rambled. “How does this work? Do you want to do it here or is the front room better?”

  “Better for what?”

  “The big reveal,” Kate answered.

  Sam started laughing so hard he had to wipe his eyes. “Do you have
some cash on hand?”

  “What are you talking about?” Kate snapped, irritated that whatever he found so hilarious was clearly at her expense.

  “If I’m going to do a striptease, I’d better get paid for it,” he snorted. “Just take a shower, relax, change into your pajamas, and we’ll talk about it after.”

  “Fine,” Kate rushed and strolled past him.

  She did as she was told but took her sweet time doing it. When she came out of the bathroom wearing a towel on her head and a pair of plush jammies, she found Sam waiting for her in her bedroom. He was sitting on her twin bed, leaning over resting his hands on his knees, wearing everything but his shoes.

  “Come here,” he said quietly.

  Kate sat down nervously beside him. Sam took the towel off her head and gently combed through her hair with his fingers.

  “Do you always sleep with wet hair?” he asked.

  “Not usually.”

  “Here…” he said and gingerly pulled her hair up in a loose topknot then secured it with a pair of bobby pins he found lying abandoned on her bedside table, “…so you don’t have crazy bedhead in the morning,” he explained and then reached around her and pulled back the top blankets and sheets. “Lay down and I’ll be back in a few minutes.”

  After he was finished fluffing her pillow and snuggling the blankets around her, Kate started to giggle. “Did you just tuck me in? Do I get a bedtime story next?”

  “If you’re good girl,” Sam murmured slyly and then crinkled his nose in disgust at the sudden appearance of Mr. Jangles. “I don’t think so,” he said and scooped up the wayward cat as he stood.

  “But that is where Mr. Jangles sleeps,” Kate protested.

  “Mr. Jangles can suck my ass. He has had unrestricted access to your bed for the past few months. One night won’t hurt him.”

  “He’ll scratch at the door all night.”

  “He won’t be the first pussy to keep me up,” Sam shot back with a wink.

  When he reached the door, he stopped and looked back one last time, but he didn’t quite meet her eyes. Kate could swear she saw him take a deep breath before he turned off the light and said, “I’ll be back in few minutes.” Was it possible he was just as nervous as she was? Although she couldn’t seem to believe it, all signs seemed to indicate he was.

  After several moments passed, she heard the shower come to life. She closed her eyes as her imagination whirled over the process. It wasn’t a simple matter of shedding one’s clothes. No, it was more like a metamorphosis, the shedding of a second skin. How strange it must feel to conceal one’s identity so completely only to pull back the mask. In the quiet dark of her room, Kate realized the source of Sam’s uneasiness, and with that realization she discovered just how important this must be to him. He wasn’t trying to think of ways to let her down gently as her insecurities lied. He was afraid that she wouldn’t want the man under the costume. Her heart began to beat with a heavy, dull thud.

  Sam was truly a glorious specimen to behold either as a man or as a woman. Surely, he had to know. He only had to look in the mirror to see the truth, and if that didn’t dispel any lingering doubts, he could see it in other people’s reactions to him. And they did react—it was impossible to be close to such a perfectly sculpted human and not be drawn in by his sheer beauty.

  Kate was no different than anyone else. She lost track of the number of times she had grown suddenly speechless, lost in the simple act of gazing upon him. Attraction wasn’t an issue; it had never been an issue. The first time they met she actually questioned her sexual orientation for goodness sake. How could he believe she wouldn’t want him?

  Chapter 6

  Sam braced his forearms against the tile. With his head rested on his arms, the scalding hot water poured down his spine. He spent several minutes in that same position, trying to get his thoughts straight because he had no idea what was going on inside Kate’s mind. These past few weeks had felt like a tumultuous, nonstop roller coaster of emotions. He had had some of the worst days of his life. The day they were sitting outside MMI ranked up there with his parent’s funerals. He knew he was losing her, and there wasn’t a damn thing he could do about it. The worst part was that he didn’t even know why.

  That day, Kate had all but came out and asked him if he was in love with her. She had to ask, seriously? Wasn’t it obvious? Before he met Kate, his idea of a long-term, monogamous relationship was fucking the same woman three weekends in a row. For the last six months, he had devoted himself entirely to her—although it wasn’t exactly by choice on his part. No, it was more of an obsession. Like water or food, he had to be with Kate and was ready to accept whatever part of herself she was willing to give. Did he want more? Fuck yeah, he wanted more. But it was his goddamn dick, and she shouldn’t be so concerned about where he was putting it, or, more appropriately, not putting it. He could never remember a time in his life when he felt both as terrified and furious as he felt in the moment she started talking about him missing the opportunity to find his perfect woman. He wanted scream, ‘It’s fucking you. Why can’t you see that?’

  And then tonight happened. Sam had once seen a documentary about lottery winners, big time winners, as in their lives were changed in an instant sort of winners. They all said that when they discovered they had hit the jackpot, they couldn’t believe it. He could now understand. It wasn’t his fault entirely as Kate had been acting a little strange these last few days. He half expected her to foist off some blind date on him. In his wildest dreams, and these last few months he had had more kinky, wet dreams than he ever had during his youth, he never thought something like this would happen.

  His cock throbbed to life at the memory. Or maybe it was just preparing itself for the nightly ritual? More out of habit than actual thought, Sam reached down and started stroking himself. He thought about Kate’s tight pussy squeezing him, only this time he didn’t have to use his imagination. The memory was enough to send him over the edge.

  As the water rinsed away his semen, Sam realized that the brief ten-second interlude hadn’t provided him with the flash of insight he was hoping for. This was all-new territory for him. While Kate wasn’t the enemy by any means, he sort of felt like he stumbled upon a minefield. One wrong move and the whole damn thing would blow up in his face. He had no map, no rule book, essentially no idea how to proceed forward.

  Had he not gotten so carried away, he would have come to his senses before he fucked her in the middle of a bar. Thank God, no one had seen them, or if they had, didn’t report them, because there was nothing like a public-indecency charge to ruin the moment. But damn, he never thought she would say yes, and when she did, the best, fully-armed police officers in Austin wouldn’t have been able to stop him.

  He hadn’t come to his senses and what was done was done, but Sam couldn’t for the life of him figure out why. Physically, he understood. They had chemistry. They always had chemistry. If they hadn’t had any chemistry, he wouldn’t have spent the last six months in lust-crazed insanity. But two weeks ago, Kate had been very adamant that she couldn’t change for him. Yet, she had, and that was why he was jerking off in her shower instead of losing himself inside her—because he didn’t know why or what any of it meant.

  Did she think they could just go back to the way things were before? He never thought the day would come when he would hate the game. Before it was choice, now it was a necessity. Over the last few months, he came to detest his painted reflection in the mirror. That image had everything he wanted, but it wasn’t really him. Had he come to his senses, Kate would have gotten her Big Reveal before they made love.

  He wasn’t insecure about his physical attractiveness. He knew what women thought when they saw him. He didn’t always understand it, but he knew his features were arranged with the kind of symmetry that pleased the opposite sex. Being like the proverbial ugly duckling, the switch literally happened overnight during the middle of his sophomore year in high school. One day the onl
y kind of girl he could get had to be paid and the next, girls from all grades were tossing out their phone numbers like cheerleaders with confetti in the homecoming parade. Kate was no exception. He had seen her gawking at him outside the elevator.

  The problem was that this wasn’t some random hook up. Kate didn’t do hook ups, nor was she type to get swept away by the moment. He knew that for a fact because there had been plenty of moments when he crashed face first into her wall of ice. So, that left him to conclude one thing. There was a chance that she realized she was in love with him. He had known for a while now, and probably should have been thrilled and ecstatic that his feelings were returned if not exactly reciprocated, but he didn’t feel either of those things because Kate hadn’t fallen in love with him but only a role he played. He prayed she wouldn’t be too disappointed when she discovered he wasn’t really such an outrageous, say anything, life-of-the-party bitch after all.

  “I know you’re not asleep by the way you’re breathing,” Sam said quietly as he pulled back the sheets and snuggled beside her.

  “What do you know about the way I breathe when I’m asleep?” Kate challenged.

  She started to wiggle around, trying to find a comfortable position, and her hands accidently reached out and touched his bare chest. Suddenly insatiably curious, her fingers brushed against his naked flesh. She was very surprised to feel the long, lean, wiry muscles of his shoulders and biceps. It felt so foreign, so strange, so unexpected; Kate was struck by a moment of sheer terror. Instantly, her hands reached up to touch his face. Feeling at least something that felt familiar, she started to calm.

  Sam intertwined his fingers with hers. He pulled her palm to his lips and kissed her flesh with his slow, wet mouth. “Shh, it’s only me,” he whispered against her hand.

  “I don’t know you like this,” Kate whispered, tortured by doubt.